Monday, September 30, 2019

A Very Filipino Way Of Doing Business Essay

Whenever I go to the local market with the Asawa, I love to wander around the meat and fish section. I love the squalor and the flies and the noise and total lack of any lip service being paid to basic hygiene regulations. It is so Filipino! I have my Suki for meat and another for chicken and one I go to for fish and seafoods. The Asawa has her own for vegetables, fruit and dry goods, spread around the market. A suki, for the uninitiated, is a regular provider of whatever it is you are buying. I think to be technically correct, you as the customer are actually the suki, but in typically Filipino fashion the word is used in either direction and you call the store you go to regularly your suki! We have a suki for bottled water. Our first suki would always deliver in the morning when we were out, despite having been told numerous times we wouldn’t be there to take the gallons (those large bottles of water usually seen in the office back home but commonplace in every home here) un til after noon. Their insistence we change our routine to match theirs plus the fact it took six weeks to get them to sell us a table top stand for the bottles meant I spat the dummy one day and found a new suki! They realized the error of their ways and tried to regain the business but the damage had been done! Changing your suki is not something you undertake lightly. The very fabric of commercial society here is built upon the relationship between buyer and seller. When you look at any row of Filipino market stalls or shops, you may notice how everybody in a row is selling exactly the same thing. The plastic bucket shops are all over there. The hardware stalls are all over there, the next row is all cloth and old clothes. Not only are all the stalls for one line of merchandise in a row, they all look identical. Every stall has the same goods displayed exactly the same way. As if there is a pattern laid down by law as to how to display those goods! Woe betide you if you do it any other  way or s et up amongst the wrong stalls. The prevailing wisdom appears to be that you increase your chances of making some money if you are where people will go to look for the range of goods you offer. If the hardware stores were to spread themselves around the town then maybe one of them would wither on the vine as few people might find them. By having all of the hardware stores in the one spot, then it is guaranteed that anyone who needs hardware MUST gothere. Brilliant! So why would they shop at this store instead of that one if they all offer the same goods in the same location? The only answer I have ever received for that question has always been the same; because you know the store owner, or are a friend or, they are your SUKI! Personal relationships are very important to Filipinos and without them your business is pretty well doomed to fail. Once you start buying regularly from one store and they take on Suki status then the suki will lose face if you are seen purchasing elsewhere in the same market. Other store owners will know your suki is someone else and they will usually refrain from hassling you. Poaching customers has been known to lead to arguments, fights and even stabbings! You should be able to expect a discount (walay hang yoo) from your suki. Of course over time the actual discount might decrease as both parties become comfortable with the relationship and outright price is no longer as important as the trust displayed and enjoyed between parties. This is a factor of Filipino business that many foreigners never grasp. They expect a good deal right from the beginning, yet what have they done to deserve that favouritism? Anywhere in Asia there is a similar attitude to time. Time being invested to really get to know each other and develop trust and a rapport that will span generations. It is a long term view that we foreigners are coming up against way down the path the other parties involved have been traveling for perhaps centuries! The term interloper comes to mind and that is what we are in many ways. Break that down to the local food market level of commerce and the relationship may take less time to build but the concept remains the same. If you apply the same mindset to more expensive business ventures here then it is easy to develop guidelines. Firstly, don’t expect the best terms right off the bat, give the other guy time to get to know you and like you. Secondly, never show your anger or emotion, it shames you and the other party and achieves nothing worthwhile. Thirdly, if you are being  ripped off, don’t be in too much of a hurry to take your business elsewhere. This goes for the meat suki too. I had one who was putting the old thumb on the scales when weighing my beef tenderloin every Thursday. I knew I was being short changed somehow, yet the challenge was how to turn this around to my advantage as I loved my beef and there was only one other stall that sold it. My solution was to negotiate an extra piece thrown in after the kilo or two was weighed and agreed upon. This let the suki think they were doing me a favour and building rapport while I was actually getting what I was paying for. The end result was they finally caught on and stopped thumbing the scales and I eventually stopped insisting on my extra chunk. They got the message that I knew they were ripping me off, yet nobody lost face and business carried on as usual. In some ways, dealing with your suki is good training for dealing with so much that you will confront in this country. Going head to head will only have you losing time after time. You may think you won, you made your point, you showed them but the reality is Filipinos, like most Asians, take the long term view in many things. There is the short term immediate gratification often exploited by the lesser educated and those who figure they will never have to deal with you again but on the whole the opposite is more often the case. Choose your suki wisely, and then stick with them. Work out your differences in ways other than the typical western yelling and posturing and you are sure to come out a winner in the long term. In the commercial context, suki relationships (market- exchange partnerships) may develop between two people who agree to become regular customer and supplier. In the marketplace, Filipinos will regularly buy from certain specific suppliers who will give them, in return, reduced prices, good quality, and, often, credit. Suki relationships often apply in other contexts as well. For example, regular patrons of restaurants and small neighborhood retail shops and tailoring shops often receive special treatment in return for their patronage. Suki does more than help develop economic exchange relationships. Because trust is such a vital aspect, it creates a platform for personal relationships that can blossom into genuine friendship between individuals. Patron-client bonds also are very much a part of prescribed patterns of appropriate behavior. These may be formed  between tenant farmers and their landlords or between any patron who provides resources and influence in return for the client’s personal services and general support. The reciprocal arrangement typically involves the patron giving a means of earning a living or of help, protection, and influence and the client giving labor and personal favors, ranging from household tasks to political support. These relationships often evolve into ritual kinship ties, as the tenant or worker may ask the landlord to be a child’s godparent. Similarly, when favors are extended, they tend to bind patron and client together in a network of mutual obligation or a long-term interdependency. The word suki is a Filipino term which means â€Å"loyal customer.† This so-called â€Å"market-exchange partnership† can be developed into an agreement where one can be a regular customer and supplier. Contents [hide] * 1 Suki system * 2 Customer satisfaction * 3 Returning favors * 4 Reference * 5 Citation| ————————————————- Suki system The suki system is a system of patronage in which a customer regularly buys their merchandise from a certain client. In the merchandising business, Filipinos often buy from specific suppliers who will provide their customers reduced prices, good quality and credit as well. These factors are the usual components of becoming a â€Å"suki.† The presence of trust and the development of friendship between the two parties is a vital aspect in the establishment of an economic exchange relationship. In some instances, regular patrons of restaurants, small neighborhood retail shops and tailoring shops receive special treatment in return for their patronage. Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is essential to the survival of any business, small-scale or large-scale; and retailers know that satisfied customers are loyal customers. Consequently, retailers develop strategies to build relationships that result in customers returning to make more purchases. By responding to customer needs, business owners endeavor to meet or exceed  customer expectations for their product or service. This increases the likelihood of gaining sukis. The quality of after-sales service can also be a crucial factor in influencing any purchasing decision. In the current economic environment, businesses continuously strive not only for customer satisfaction, but for customer delight — that extra bit of added value that may lead to increased customer loyalty. Any extra added value, however, will need to be carefully costed. Returning favors Usually, favors are returned or extended to both patron and clients. For example, this reciprocal arrangement typically involves the patron providing a means of earning a living or help, protection, and influence. The client in turn provides labor and personal favors, ranging from household tasks to political support. These relationships often evolve into ritual kinship ties, as the tenant or worker may ask the landlord to be a child’s godparent. Similarly, when favors are extended, they tend to bind patron and client together in a network of mutual obligation or a long-term interdependency.

Sunday, September 29, 2019 – the world’s biggest e-commerce retailer

Amazon is the world’s biggest e-commerce retailer. They were founded in 1994, being the first online retailer to secure one million customers in 1997. They are based out of Seattle, Washington but have locations in 18 U. S states and 14 international locations. They currently have over 88,000 employees and are still growing. Amazon sells pretty much anything you want on their website, from DVDs and video games to shoes and sports equipment. When Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon. com, started Amazon all he was selling was books and now they have their own tablet, called the Kindle, which is a virtual book. Amazon’s mission statement is â€Å"Our vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online. † The way that Amazon does their business isn’t rushed, just wanting to earn a profit. Jeff Bezos business plan was a slow-growing business, and he didn’t even turn a profit until 2001, after the â€Å"dot-com boom† of the late 1990s couldn’t even stop then when a lot of other online companies had to file for bankruptcy. But they survived and made 97 million just in the last quartered of 2012. Amazon has a code of business conduct and ethics, with their main statement being â€Å"Amazon. com employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interests of Amazon. com. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets out basic guiding principles. Employees who are unsure whether their conduct or the conduct of their coworkers complies with the Code of Conduct should contact their manager or the Legal Department. † The type of system that they are using is virtue ethics, which is where morals are internal. They are trying to internalize moral behavior, making sure that everyone is aware that they are there to benefit the company and do so in a lawful way. Amazon was built on making their customers happy, and by doing that they need to make sure that all of there employees are performing to the best of their ability, making sure they are making the right decisions for the company. Amazon has strict rules on conflicts of interest, insider trading, harassment, record keeping and many other things. They also give their employees the opportunity’s to submit ideas that they believe will not only better the company, but also the world called the Kaizen program. The Kaizen program is where Amazon employees work together to implement environmental and energy initiatives across all parts of the company. They have done everything from figuring out a new way to package trucks, for less shipments and saving fuel to figuring out how to install lights that are on motion sensors to help reduce energy costs.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

College Speech Artifact Essay

I. Introduction: A. Quote: â€Å"Take a risk, be a rebel, ignore the conventional wisdom, take a stand and make a change, if something is wrong say it and say it loud, you have no idea what a difference you can make. Today you have earned your degree. Congratulations to class of 2013 † B. These were the bittersweet words I heard as I moved my tassel from the right to left. My name is Taylor Carson and I am a Gaucho! C. Some of you may not know what that means to be a Gaucho and when I am finished I think you will have a better understanding. June 13th 2013 marked a day in my life that I would never forget; it was not just an ending to an amazing chapter, but also just the beginning. II. Body: A. Background information 1. The UCSB/Isla Vista bubble is one of the weirdest places in America and to think I had the privilege of living there for four years. UCSB is its own little paradise and in that paradise I had to figure out how to balance my academic life with my social life. 2. As you can see this graduation cap represents all the hard work that I have done to earn my degree and all the embellishments represent all the fun memories I have had, the exciting people I have met, and the memorable experiences I spent in Santa Barbara. B. In this speech I hope share with you my experiences at UCSB and my transformation I underwent in working towards earning my degree from starting off as the a) Freaked out freshman b) Becoming the scholastic sophomore c) To having the mentality of â€Å"Wow, I go to an awesome school like this, this is a joke† junior d) And finally into a smooth sailing senior ready to embark on a new venture. 1. Looking at my first year in college I was that very confused stereotypical freshman who was walking on the bike paths because I didn’t  realize that pedestrians no longer had the right away in, bicyclists do. Finding it nerve racking when trying to figure out what classes are just right to take, as well as trying to navigate around a campus that may have well been like a foreign country to me. I was always freaking out and felt pressure from everyone around me who seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do while I was still undeclared and had no plan. I defiantly went through many trials and tribulations but my freshman experiences and memories are priceless. 2. During my sophomore year I really over-committed myself†¦ a lot. If any of my professors could hear this, I’m sure that they would agree. I was taking 5 courses each quarter, doing lab research, switching my major multiple times and trying to maintain a job all at the same time. There are a few nights that I can recall where I would sleep in our 24 hour study lab just so I can wake up the next morning to study and avoid all the distractions. Unfortunately, I did not end up with the all A’s in some of the core classes that count now as I apply to grad schools. I personally can recount many nights I contemplated dropping out. Hell, if Jobs, Gates and Zuckerburg did it why couldn’t I? Something about staying in a place that evokes progress and meaning meant that I would have to work hard to earn this privilege of graduation so I spent my that whole summer taking a year of bio along with organic chemistry all so that I could graduate on time. 3. As junior year rolled around I realized I was at half way mark to graduation. All the work I did my sophomore year really paid off. I was more confident then ever. For once I had direction and a declared major that I loved; Biopsychology. I couldn’t believe I went to such an amazing school where it is summer all year long, and my backyard was literality the ocean. I was fortunate to live under one roof with 12 of my best girl friends where beachside activities were an everyday necessity. I enjoyed many late-night Freebirds run, the fun cab rides down town, the embarrassing karaoke performances at OTT and country line dancing at Creekside. I was embracing the everyday t-shirt, shorts and flip-flop kinda weather, the brezzy walks along the beach in between classes, constant learning and as a result newfound wisdom. 4. Finally senior year was here and there is nothing I could ask for in exchange for the things I have both learned and been through here at UCSB. Throughout my four years I found new perspectives, new friends, new ideas and new places to explore. III. Conclusion: A. And there I was on June 13th 2013, graduation day. I did it! I survived four amazing years at UCSB and undoubtedly changed and became better through my collegiate experience. My graduation cap is important to me for it represents my transformation from who I was to who I am today. My mistakes and successes are equally a part of who I have become. I have learned not to settle and do what makes me happy; and that way I will never regret following my dreams. B. So I will say to all of you, as the chancellor said to my graduation class â€Å"treat your life serendipitously. Stop taking the path that you feel has been assigned to you, and create you own journey from here on out.†

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Problem of Sins And Evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Problem of Sins And Evil - Essay Example This prideful rebellion and the greed for power made Satan into a self-proclaimed foe of God. In the Bible the Revelations, chapter 12, versus7-8 state, â€Å"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.† (Hurault, 1996 ). Having established evil the next step was revenge on God and to destroy His works, as the gospel according to Peter, chapter 5 verse 8 states, â€Å"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour†. The gospel according to Luke, chapter 10 verses 19 to 20 states, â€Å"But God gives us authority over the evil of this enemy as Jesus tells us. (Hurault, 1996) The production of this twisted evil can be accompanied with enlightenment and choice, as stated in the Gospel according to Mathew, chapter 25 versus 41 â€Å"All created beings have two ch oices, to accept this authority over the evil enemy or to follow Satan into "everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.† (Hurault, 1996). The second disobedience was of our first parents i.e. Adam and Eve. Satan epitomizes evil and sin and to disobey God was to initiate evil. When I ponder over this ‘evil’ I realized that evil is void of righteousness and evil cannot be created since evil does not exist as a separate entity nor does it exist in reality.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Understanding Christianity from an Aristotelian point of view Essay

Understanding Christianity from an Aristotelian point of view - Essay Example This paper will compare and contrast the characterization of God in the Summa Theologica and the neo-Platonist view. Both the summa theological and neo-Platonism account for the existence of a superior being or God. In the summa theological, Aquinas advances arguments that seek to establish and prove God’s existence (Brian 22). Aquinas states that there is a God simply because the world itself needs him as an explanation. The first part of the Summa Theologica concludes by Aquinas quipping that God cannot fail to exist. Aquinas proposes that the world cannot function with such efficiency without a grand architect who is God (Edward & Aquinas 39). The smoothness with which the world functions cannot be created by chance but must be the product of God’s work. Aquinas in his first three arguments aims at explaining the existence of God by accounting for the change in the physical world, the presence of the physical world, and existence in itself. Neo-Platonism also accepts the existence of the one who is infinite (Albert 30). The one gets painted as the source of life and the sole cause of the only real existence. The one is the source of all life. The one is beyond all forms of being. The one gets portrayed as the most reality and a source of less real things. The one is a divine power that is complete and self-sufficient (Remes 132). The Summa Theologica and neo-Platonism acknowledge the existence of a superior being who is all-knowing. The summa theological derives its characterization of God from an Aristotelian point of view (Brian 103). The neo-platonic conception of the one gets derived from Plato’s teachings. The Summa Theologica rejects the idea of the neo-Platonists that knowledge of the Supreme Being gets based on ideas and forms that exist in the mind (Aquinas & Edward 93). Aquinas disputes Plato’s view that knowledge gets derived from the mind alone. He suggests that knowledge gets derived from the soul which has intellect in its composition. He argues against Plato’s view by suggesting that if knowledge only got derived from the mind alone, then the soul would be of no use to the body. Aquinas affirms the need for the body in the acquisition of knowledge and rejects the theory of innate ideas forwarded by the Platonists (Brian 74). Neo-Platonists argue that the knowledge of the one gets contemplated by the mind, which generates ideas and forms (Remes 100). By generation of ideas and forms, the knowledge about the one gets divided and multiplied. The knowledge about the one gets transcended into the physical world through the world soul. The world soul according to the neo-Platonists is separate from the individual human souls (Albert 145). Summa Theologica differs with neo-platonic concepts on the basis of how the knowledge of God gets inferred to human beings. Both the Summa Theologica and the neo-platonic concepts on the characterization of God agree that the mind assists in the acquisition of knowledge. The mind acquires knowledge about God by creating images. Aquinas refers to these images as ‘phantasms’ in the Summa Theologica (Aquinas & Edward 123). Aquinas argues that the mental images about God get based on sensual experience, and this creates universal ideas and principles.  

International business organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International business organisation - Essay Example Parallel to what stationary retailing, early consideration was just given to how the internet could be used as sales channel. Internationalization and international entrepreneurship SMEs has remained an issue of considerable relevance, principally to the observed growing effects of cross border venturing (European Commission, 2007). This realization was at the heart of the 2007 OECD-APEC study on at removing barriers to the SME Access towards the International Markets that provided general findings on the major barriers to SME internationalization as perceived by the SMEs and policymakers in the OECD and APEC member economies.1 The first internet presence happened with the international purchasing facilities in the year1997, and in 1999 this was when the first full scale online shop of Blue Tomato was opened. In its broad tendency, the Blue Tomato Company belongs to the born international group. In the year 2001, the second generation of internet shops then went online, making Blue Tomato as one of the leading snowboard mail order retailers in the subcontinent of Europe. The new shop generation was defined by the company as the internet shop, which was based on a completely new technology. Along with these were the test centers and snowboard schools, which were also grounds for direct customer contact. Today, the internet helps the Blue Tomato Company in internationalization through providing 90 per cent of the company’s total sales. This continues to take the upper trend. Limitations in the finance and the related physical resources have continued to be highlighted as the leading barrier to the internationalization of SMEs. The pertinent evidence would include the observed disadvantages faced by the Canadian international new ventures or the earlier stage SME exporters, relative to their more of an established counterpart, in regard to the access of the operating and term loans and the terms thereof. A

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What does The Walt Disney Company do related to anthropocene, Research Paper

What does The Walt Disney Company do related to anthropocene, environment and ecosystem - Research Paper Example icated the actions of man from the time of earlier development to late on the environment, the company Walt Disney has focused some of their returns and activities to promote environmental conservation aspects. The study focuses on the different contributions that the company has made to this regard. Based on this, the thesis of the study is the fact that the Walt Disney Company does not only concern on their financial aspects that focus on their profits and business development, but also the different environmental concerns. As such, it considers all anthropocenic aspects that have generated different environmental effects leading to extinction of other species and a negative effect to the environment. The study focuses on the different efforts that the company has put in the achievement of environmental goals and supporting the environment, the reasons as to why the company engages in environmental aspects, and the targets that the company aimed for in developing the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund. The reflection of the different themes in the movies developed by the company all symbolize the commitment that the company has over the environmental effects. These aspects are all discussed in the work below: Walt Disney Company does numerous activities to promote ecosystem and environmental aspects that range from the development of advocacy aspects. The development of the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund and the development of property that is curved to the environmental aspects. Through these, programs such as sustainable tourism have come to start. Sustainable tourism refers to tourism activities that encourage the tourism aspects that protect the environment, the inclusion of different economic activities cultures that promote local experiences in improving the environment. Walt Disney Company has developed solid conservation aspects through policies and practices that have put the company on top in relation to environmental aspects. The leadership of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 62

Outline - Essay Example There, Michelangelo learned the technique of panel painting for a few months. He was supposed to stay there for not less than three years, but an extraordinary opportunity opened to him. At the recommendation of Ghirlandaio, he moved into the house of Florentine ruler Lorenzo the Magnificent. One of the powerful Medici families, where he studied classical sculpture in the Medici gardens (Poeschke 26). This is a great time for Michelangelo; his experience with the Medici group, permit him access to the social elite of Florence, which allowed him to learn under the respected sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni, Donatellos pupil, and introducing him to prominent poets, Humanists and scholars . Piero de Medici initiates Michelangelo to the Augustinian friars from the Church of Saint Spirit in Florence, who was hosting the young talent within their convent. He was given a special permission to learn cadavers for insight into anatomy; through the introduction to corpses he had an adverse effect on his health. These combined factors laid the basis for what would become Michelangelos unique style: a muscular concept and reality combined with a touching beauty. As a sign of appreciation to the friars, Michelangelo made a wooden Crucifix, which is still inside the Church of Saint Spirit. Slightly before the Medici family were banished from Florence, Michelangelo moved to Bologna hosted by Gianfranco Aldrovandi and then to Venice, where he continued his studies of literature and sculpture practice. He returned to Florence in 1495 where he begun the work as a sculptor, modeling his style after masterpieces of classical antiquity, In 1496, Michelangelo moved to Rome because of the famous Sleeping Cupid affair that had made him a reputation. He hoped to find new donors for his creations. He started modeling a marble Bacchus, under the patronage of the banker Jacopo Galli. On August 27, 1498 Michelangelo signed his first break

Monday, September 23, 2019

Shakin baby syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shakin baby syndrome - Essay Example Furthermore, the common perpetrators are normally male in 65% to 90% of reported cases. To this end, they are either the mother’s husband or boyfriend (Buttram, 9). Incidentally, whenever a child’s head is continuously shaken back and forth, the head rotates uncontrollably since the neck muscles have not been fully developed; hence there is minimal support for their heads (Buttram, 9). To this end, following the violent and erratic movement, the brain is pitched forwards and backwards within the infants’ skull. This leads to a rupturing of the nerves and blood vessels located all over the brain. The brain tissue is also torn. In addition, bleeding and bruising to the brain occurs when it strikes the inside of the skull (Comer,18). The injury also stands the chance of being aggravated in the case that the shaking episode concludes with impact such as knocking against a crib mattress or wall. This is due to the cumulative forces of acceleration and deceleration whi ch are significantly strong. Following an end to the shaking episode, the resulting swelling in the brain may lead to extreme pressure inside the skull. This consequently causes a compression of the blood vessels that eventually cause widespread injury to delicate structures in the baby’s brain. ... To this end, the severity of the signs and symptoms normally depend on the force and duration of the shaking, the recurrence of the shaking episodes as well as whether impact was involved. In some very violent cases, the victim may end up in shock, suffering from seizures or unconscious upon arriving at the emergency room (Comer, 18). As far as a child who is suffering from less severe shaken syndrome, the signs and symptoms are many. These may include, irritability, lethargy, poor swallowing of food or suckling, seizures, decreased appetite, unequal pupil size, alterations in consciousness, vomiting, inability to track movement or focus the eyes (Palusci, 24).There are physical indicators of a parent knowing if someone shook the baby. These include glassy eyes or rigidity in appearance. Neurological changes normally occur as the brain cells are destroyed and oxygen supply to the brain is depleted. In cases of severity, the baby may suffer from seizures, exhibit difficulty in breathi ng or heart failure. There are long-term and irreversible effects in the event of severe shaken baby syndrome. To this end, survivors of shaken baby syndrome normally exhibit seizure, total or partial blindness, impaired intellect, attention and memory problems, cerebral palsy, learning and speech impairments, developmental delays, as well as hearing loss (Comer,18). As far as diagnosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome is concerned, a majority of cases are reported as â€Å"silent injuries.† This means that most caregivers or parents rarely provide a medical history of any shaking injury or head trauma that affected the baby. Consequently, doctors at times are ignorant of looking for any physical or internal signs. The resulting situation is that babies can end up having multiple injuries that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Critical thinking skill Essay Example for Free

Critical thinking skill Essay Learning, according to the Wikipedia, is the knowledge acquired through study, experience or being thought. Parents often think that learning only takes place in the school area for their children, where the information that are being thought to their child are sufficient for them to be able to get a good grades. For me, this is not true. Effective learning also takes place beyond the school, in so many cases. Every person should be learning more from real life than in the class room. All knowledge are being junked inside a student’s brain by only the specific subject thought by the teachers, and not from a real-life experience. Personal experience is essential for every human kind to obtain knowledge that cannot be forgotten. For instance, in an early age, the teacher would teach students about animals. The students can never forget the knowledge if they are being brought to a zoo and see them in real life compare to the the information given in the class. Knowledge that are given by a life-experience, will remain in one’s memory, and will never be loss. Students should be able to use their critical thinking skill to answer various kind of questions, on the spot. This skill is necessary for students to be able to be successful in modern life in general. If this skills are not being teach in a public school system, then the system, by definition, is failing. Critical thinking is best learnt outside the classroom, where students can actually develop their brain by responding to (†¦ idk how to explain) For example,, which is a news-blog, said that students can gain more critical thinking by watching a television, rather than being inside a classroom. By watching the daily show with Jon Stewart, students can form a pile information and interactions that do not comes from a tight school’s environment. This shows that effective learning, in this case critical thinking, do takes place outside the school.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Organ System of the Human Body

Organ System of the Human Body The human body is composed of different organs with each performing a specific function. These organs do not work alone, but combine their functionality to work as systems. An organ system is usually composed of different organs which perform closely related functions and work collectively to perform a common purpose (Anatomy 1). The human body is composed of ten major organ systems. The endocrine system is among these ten major organ systems. Its main role is to relay chemical messages, known as hormones, throughout the body. It is usually integrated with the nervous system and together distributes these hormones which regulate growth, nutrient absorption, water re absorption among other processes. The endocrine system is composed of many glands which secrete different endocrine hormones. These glands include the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal gland, pineal body, thyroid gland, pancreas, lay-dig cells in the testes and the ovaries. The hypothalamus acts as the major link between the endocrine system and the nervous system (Hoskins 15). The pituitary gland located at the base of the brain is commonly referred to as the master gland, due to its secretions of many hormones which regulate the activities of the other glands (Nussey and Whitehead 41). These glands are ductless and they secrete hormones into the blood system where they are transported to their target tissues (endocrinology). Although we may not always think about them, these glands and the hormones they produce influence nearly all the functions of the body, and control almost all the cells, organs and organ systems. This systems controls metabolism, tissue function, growth, regulates the mood and reproduction processes (Nussey and Whitehead 39). The system regulates its self mainly through negative feedback mechanism where production of a specific hormone acts as the check mechanism to avoid over production. The pancreas which is one of the glands of the endocrine system produces two major hormones (among others) which are glucagon and insulin. These two hormones work in conjunction to regulate the glucose levels in the body at appreciable levels. The secretion is specifically done by special cells called the islets of Langerhans (islets of Langerhans). Islets of Langerhans are divided into alpha and beta cells. The beta cells produce insulin while the alpha cells produce glucagon. Like all the other organ systems of the body, the endocrine system can also be affected by different diseases. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a common endocrine disorder directly related to the dysfunction of the pancreas. This disease is caused by the decreased secretion of insulin by the islets of Langerhans leading to diabetes mellitus type I closely associated with young individuals or decreased responsiveness of the target cells to the action of insulin leading to diabetes mellitus type II, closely associated with the aged (McDowell, Matthews and Brown 97). Diabetes type one is mostly autoimmune where the body marks its beta cells for destruction. It is also thought to be caused by a certain virus which destroys the beta cells. There has been mounting evidence that diabetes is caused by a form of genetic predisposition, leading to some degree of heredity. Diabetes symptoms are; excessive thirst leading to increased water or fluid intake, production of excess urine, weight loss, fatigue and lethargy. Excessive urination is caused by the presence of glucose in the urine after the amounts of glucose in the blood exceeds the renal threshold, a condition known as glycosuria (Colwell 85). This disease is wide spread in the US, with almost eight per cent of the whole population being affected. The most prevalent type of diabetes is type two and its evident in about ninety per cent of all diabetes cases. Diabetes is a life style disease mostly affecting the obese, people who dont exercise frequently and people with the tendency of eating junk food. It is also a hereditary disease, polygenic in nature, and only expressed by a specific combination of genes. Diabetes not only affects the endocrine system but the whole body at large. It deprives all the body cells of the required energy leading to weight loss and lethargy. Some cells of the body like brain cells utilize only glucose for energy purposes and suffer a lot in the event of untreated diabetes. The whole endocrine system is affected especially the mechanisms dealing with osmoregulation. The body has to strain to maintain a steady body pressure regardless of the increased out put of fluids (McDowell, Matthews and Brown 67). The pituitary gland which is responsible for maintaining a constant body pressure through the production of vasopressin hormone has to work against these challenges and ensure constant re-absorption of water. As mentioned earlier on, all endocrine glands suffer loss of energy leading to slowing of their functions. Among the other organ systems affected by this disease, the excretory system is the most affected as it is charged with the duties of filtering the excess glucose out of the body. Kidneys and ureters are overworked till they can reach their maximum rates (threshold) where they can no longer handle the amount of glucose (MedicineNet 4). Economically, this disease affects not only the victim, but also the family. It is expensive to treat, and one does not cease medication once affected. The patients take insulin shots or tablets most part of their remaining life. Some of other therapies available are also very expensive to conduct and will affect the patients finance. When the condition is extreme or is not diagnosed early enough, the victim may be required to quit or suspend some his/her economically rewarding activities to concentrate on treatment. Hospitalization also causes withdrawal from normal daily activities. This disease impacts negatively on the social activities of the affected individuals. One is forced to quite some social habits like drinking which may even cause him some friends. Some social events such as meetings, parties, family outings may be affected especially in the event of hospitalization. Works cited Anatomy. Microsoft ® Student 2007 [DVD]. .Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. Endocrinology. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Deluxe Edition. Chicago: Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2009. Islets of Langerhans. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 28 Jul. 2009 Colwell, John. Diabetes. Gulf Professional Publishing, 2003 Hoskins, Graham. Endocrinology: the glands and their functions. Taylor Francis, 1944 McDowell, Joan, Matthews, David and Brown, Florence. Diabetes: a handbook for the primary care healthcare team. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2007 MedicineNet. Diabetes Mellitus. Retrieved on 28th July, 2009 from Nussey, Stephen and Whitehead, Saffron. Endocrinology: an integrated approach. Taylor Francis, 2001

Friday, September 20, 2019

Centre of Mass Impact on Roll of Dice

Centre of Mass Impact on Roll of Dice Harrison Back In physics, the centre of mass is defined as The unique part in an object or system which can be used to describe the systems response to external forces and torques (Center of Mass, It references the overall average mass of an object and assigns that average to a point on or within the object, usually near the centre. This can be seen in Figure 1. Changing the location of the centre of mass affects how the object reacts to external forces. This can be seen though the objects rotational axis. An objects rotational axis is the theoretical line drawn through an object to show how it will rotate. Unless an axle is deliberately created, an object will attempt to rotate around its centre of mass. This can be shown in Figure 2. As pictured, the bats centre of mass is closer to the end than it is the handle. As the path it draws as it circles through the air traces the travel of the centre of mass, the bat appears to spin around in an erratic manner. The path drawn shows the bat circling its rotational axis, which is in the same position as its centre of mass. Another result of the location of the centre of mass of an object is its stability. The closer to the ground an objects centre of mass is, the susceptible to being tipped over it is. This is why professional fighters always recommend you get down low to the ground. In order for an object to successfully be tipped over, its centre of must be moved to a position in front of the base of an object. This can be seen in Figure 3. When it comes to (fair) dice, the centre of mass is in the exact centre of the object. This means all the faces are equidistant from it. The result of this is, after a roll, every face has equal opportunity to come up. However, if the centre of mass is moved from the geographical centre of the dice, then the axis of rotation is changed, and the dice is no longer fair. This is known as weighting the dice, as it is done by making one face effectively heavier than another, causing the opposite face to roll more frequently. In the following experiment, the degree to which weighting two dice affects their average roll. The centre of mass of a cube with uniform density is at the geographical centre of the cube. Because of this, only relatively simple math is necessary to locate it. If the dice edge length is equal to 10 centimetres, then the following reasoning would indicate the geographical centre: a2 + b2 = c2 52 + 52 = 7.0712 52 + 7.0712 = 8.6602 This means that the diagonal length between two opposite corners is equal to 8.66 centimetres, and as the geographical centre falls at the midway point on that line, the centre of mass for that object would be exactly 4.33 centimetres along the longest diagonal line. As the dice being discussed in this experiment are 1cm3, the above calculations can be scaled back by one decimal place to give an end result of 0.433cm along the diagonal line. Unfortunately, these calculations only hold true in the situation where the object has uniform density. As melting the dice will change the density throughout the dice, it is nearly impossible to find the exact centre of mass of the adjusted dice, as one would need to know exactly how dense any portion of the dice is. As the centre of mass is moved further from the middle of the dice, the effectively lighter face will roll upwards more often than not.       Firstly, two six-sided dice were rolled 100 times by the same person to record a baseline to compare against. The same dice were used throughout the experiment for consistencys sake, and the same person rolled the dice every time so as to keep a relatively continuous roll style. After this control was set, the dice were placed one side-down on an oven tray, so as to make that side heavier and thus theoretically cause a six to be rolled more frequently. They were then moved into an oven which had been preheating at 180 ° Celsius for five minutes and left to bake for an additional five minutes. These times were chosen because, in the case of the former, five minutes provided adequate time for the oven to get to temperature, while also not expending unnecessary time, and in the case of the latter, 5 minutes supplied ample time for the dice to become viscous enough to change their centre of mass, while still maintaining a somewhat cubic shape. Of course, they couldnt be expected t o remain perfectly cubic, however, they were to remain cubic enough that they could be easily mistaken as such by a casual onlooker. After the heat treatment, the same dice were rolled by the same person 100 times and the average roll was determined. This was then compared against the initial control group and a conclusion was drawn thusly. .Average: 3.46 Average: 3.22 Unexpectedly, melting the dice so as to lower their centre of mass did not yield the expected result. In fact, even though it was expected that the melted dice would roll a six more frequently, the opposite occurred instead; ones were rolled more frequently than before the melting. This can be seen through the lowered average after the melting, from 3.46 to 3.22. Every piece of background research would suggest that lowering the centre of mass would cause that side to roll downwards more frequently. This means that it was most likely not a flaw in the hypothetical realm, rather one in the practical. The various uncontrollable variables, as well as recommendations should this experiment be repeated, will be discussed further below, in the Evaluation portion of this report. There were many instances in this experiment which could have corrupted the results and caused the hypothesis to not be supported. These include, but are not limited to, the fact the dice were melted by a relatively uncontrollable heat source, the method by which they were rolled, the surface on which they were rolled, and the fact that the dice were not preserved perfectly as they were during the time between the initial, pre oven rolls, and the final, post oven rolls. As the only apparatus available for use with melting dice that was available was a standard kitchen oven, its use could have caused unexpected results. The temperature was not perfectly monitored; rather it was presumed to be approximately 180 ° Celcius. The surfaces the dice were rolled on varied between their pre-oven and post-oven states. Before they were melted, the dice were rolled on a hard, synthetic laminate, while, afterward, they were rolled onto a softer, malleable desk mat made from fabric and a pla stic polymer. This could have resulted in differing roll averages, as the softer surface absorbed more kinetic energy from the falling dice, thus reducing the duration of their roll. During the time between where the dice were unchanged and where they were, they were kept in one of three places. These included a compartment in a school bag, the pocket of a pair of formal pants, and open on a glass desk. This resulted in the dice being moved frequently, interacting and possibly reacting with surrounding elements, as well as each other. The throes of everyday wear could very well have caused minute damages and changes in the dice which could have lead to inaccurate results from them.In summary, if this experiment were to be replicated, several changes would have to be made to the methodology. Firstly, a finely controlled and monitored oven would have to be used. This would result in a more deliberately variable melt; one could precisely decide how much the dice should be exposed to th e heat. Also, a robotic arm should be used in place of a human one. The dice should have specific receptacles by which their roll begins the exact same way every time, and the arm (while still having some degree of variability) would be far more specific with its rolling method. The dice should remain in an airtight, pressurised container. This would function to keep the dice in as pristine condition as possible, and reduce interaction with eroding compounds to a minimum. The dice should be rolled onto a specific surface, and its properties should be closely documented and monitored. Lastly, the experiment should be done in one sitting, as prolonging it increases the risk of a change occurring in any of the many points of failure throughout the procedure. As a result of the experiment being performed in such imprecise ways, the results were different to what was expected. However, as is the case with many high school science experiments, the necessary precision required for this kind of procedure caused inaccuracies in the experimental process and resulted in an unsupported hypothesis. As the background research supported the aforementioned hypothesis, the only plausible fault is as a result of the imperfect nature of the experiment. Work Cited   Ã‚   (Center of Mass)Center of mass. N.p., 2017. Web 8 Feb. 2017 (Center Of Mass)Center Of Mass. N.p., 2017. Web 1 Mar. 2017 (Torque And Angular Momentum | Physics | Science |Khan Academy)Torque And Angular Momentum | Physics | Science |Khan Academy. Khan academy. N.P., 2017. Web. 1 Mar. 2017 (, 2017), (2017). Why is the center of mass important in physics> | Socratic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2017]. (, 2017) (2017). BBC GCSE Bitesize Science Moments : Revision, Page 4. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Centre of mass. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2017]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Terrorisms Effects on the World Essay -- Terrorism Violence Ethnicity

Terrorism's Effects on the World Ethnic conflicts arise everyday among people in society. Although problems between the populace have changed in the present generation, ethnic issues have been apparent since the beginning of time. Some of the modern cultural conflicts can range from terrorism to religious wars. Terrorism has been a predicament throughout the entire world ever since the day man was created. It seems to be the answer to many leaders’ issues with â€Å"foreign† people. Not only is terrorism harmful itself in many ways, it causes new problems that worsen every situation. For example, terrorism is presently forcing many countries around the world, including the United States, to change their life styles, political processes, and even their economic values as a reaction to the threats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although terrorism begins in one particular area, it seems to spread to other regions as well, even though not exactly to the same extent. For example, in the United States, there were consecutive bombings and suicide attacks during a short period of time. Considering that this causes paranoia, other countries began to create new laws and restrictions in order to protect its people, even though the attacks weren’t necessarily focused towards that specific region. As an immediate response to the terrorism, the United States government changed in many ways, from restricting the citizens’ rights, to ending certain public activities, up to restricting entrance into certain buildings. The government even began to limit the media. Similarly to the United States, on September 22nd, the Russian parliament was debating on which possible new restrictions and laws can be enforced in order to â€Å"guarantee† better national security. New laws in the United States, such as the right to declare a â€Å"state of war ,† make the country seem as if it has more power than neighboring areas, helping to comfort any fearful, or paranoid, citizens. Terrorism, as well as other ethnic conflicts, has even caused the people of Asia-Pacific countries to create new laws in reaction to the threats, simply because they became intimidated. An article in the Financial times stated that it is trying to boost their â€Å"political momentum† behind the battle of terrorism, promising to take practical steps to improve their co-operation . New laws were being considered, due to the fear and security levels o... ...ked and used as hideouts. For example, Russia, South America, and certain sections of the United States are simple targets because of the land and the population densities, unlike places such as the Sahara Desert. Of course, if a terrorist truly wanted to mass murder a group, they would simply set off a nuclear explosion. This would obviously create a complete new set of problems along with those that we have already discussed. Personally, I believe wars shouldn’t be encouraged, and honestly, I don’t suppose that it results in any positive feedback whatsoever. Although I don’t completely agree with how Russia, Indonesia, South America, and Darfur are dealing with their terrorist problem, I still consider it a good idea to think forward and make plans on how to overcome cultural problems. Terrorism has caused many countries around the world, to change their daily values and their economic priorities, as well as their whole political framework as a response to ethnic conflicts. Terrorism has been a common answer among leaders regarding intercultural problems among â€Å"different† people ever since mankind was created. Ethnic conflict is now becoming a new, everyday aspect of life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Causes of Teenage Suicide Essay -- Teenage Suicide Essays

Every year thousands of youth in the United States die, not by car accidents or diseases, but by their own hands. Every 90 seconds a teenager commits suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 25 year olds. Suicide accounts for 12 percent of the mortality in the adolescent and young adult group. Males are more likely than females to follow through with suicide. For every successful suicide there are fifty to one hundred adolescent suicide attempts. More than five percent of all teenagers try to commit suicide. Many factors contribute to teenage suicide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most teens who attempt suicide are in a deep depression. This depression can be caused by two major factors. These include stress and significant loss. Stress causes most depression. Stress itself has many factors. Two of them include pressure to succeed and stress from relationships. The pressure to succeed may be to get high grades, get a good job, be accepted into a prestige college, or to excel, â€Å"win† in sports. The significant loss may be of a job, loved one, or health.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Equally important to depression is low self esteem. We live in a society that emphasizes a high standard of beauty. The newspapers, magazines, movies, and television are all filled with images of beautiful, â€Å"perfect† people. For example, Cindy Crawford, she has done numerous advertisements for things such as makeup and she ha...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Case Study Bank Of China And Hsbc, London

China’s rapidly developing economy is dependent on a banking industry which is controlled by the state. The four public banks of China and the People’s Bank of China have a strong hold over the country’s financial system. The advent of China in WTO in 2001 and globalization has led to a felt need for transformation in the Chinese economy to integrate it with the global economy. The financial sector will need to support this change. An assessment of the state of the Chinese banking industry at present and its future growth is therefore essential.Ideally this can be achieved by benchmarking a Chinese bank and a European Bank, for which purpose a case study of Bank of China and HSBC, London has been carried out. The aim of the research is therefore to undertake an analysis of the Chinese banking systems, processes and products through a case study of the above mentioned banks while the objectives of the research indicate assessment of the overall state of the Chines e banking industry, evaluate implementation of various processes and systems and highlight the areas for growth. A deductive – inductive approach with emphasis on case study has been adopted for the research.Apart from extensive secondary research through literature survey, a detailed questionnaire has been administered to 40 clients across a wide cross section of personal and corporate customers of Bank of China and HSBC, London which has formed the key primary resource for the research. A review of the research sources and questionnaires has revealed that Bank of China has been able to quickly adapt itself to the changing requirements of a globalised financial environment and is providing both personal as well as business banking services to meet its customer’s requirements.HSBC which considers itself as the World’s local bank is providing a complete package of services to the corporate as well as personal client and has been successful in implementing the sam e throughout the World. Its initial forays into China have also underlined the success story. The quality of service in both the banks was seen to be similar, however HSBC provided better follow up and also more services on the internet than Bank of China. The growth trajectory of both the banks indicates that, while HSBC is attempting to grow throughout the World; Bank of China is growing primarily within the Chinese banking system.There are a number of areas for improvement identified in the research which could well be undertaken by Bank of China to include greater efficiency and better customer service, improvement in technology and customer follow up and exploitation of niche areas such as credit cards. The entry of foreign banks will see greater competition in the Chinese banking sector. The need for Chinese banks to adopt global practices is also underlined and it is anticipated that the entry of more global banks as HSBC in China will provide the impetus to this growth.ANALY SIS CHINESE BANKING INDUSTRY SYSTEMS, PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS: A CASE STUDY BANK OF CHINA AND HSBC, LONDON Chapter 1 – Introduction China is a rapidly growing economy which is considered as a model for emerging countries all over the World. The dynamism of an economy lies in an efficient and effective financial system led by the banking sector. The impact of the banking sector on economic growth in China and its contribution to public life has been a matter of debate over the years.China has a banking system which is controlled by the State and thus has a very large influence on the economy. Exclusively controlled by the central government, the four state banks and People’s Bank of China have a very strong hold over the financial system both internally and externally. (China’s Economic System, 2004). However the rapid growth of China towards a socialist market economy has been affecting the banking sector in various ways and Chinese banks have undertaken measures to enhance their efficiency and contribute effectively to the economy.China’s entry into the WTO in 2001 has also necessitated adoption of liberalized norms in line with the global banking and financial industry. To what extent China has been able to adapt these new practices and how these are affecting or likely to affect the growth of the Chinese economy is an issue of great relevance. As China’s economy gets increasingly integrated with the global economy, its financial markets will have to support this union. It is therefore essential to assess the state of the Chinese banking industry at present and its trajectory of growth in the future.A case study approach to this issue is considered relevant for which Bank of China and HSBC, London are selected for review of the systems, processes and products to provide an insight of the financial needs and their fulfillment today and tomorrow. Bank of China is one of the principal banks in the country; it is one of the four banks which are owned by the State in China. (About Bank of China,. 2006). It has been a key central bank of China which has carried out international exchange as well as provided funds and been a point for foreign trade in the country over a period.It conducts a wide variety of services including commercial banking, insurance as well as investment banking. It is one of the largest banks in Asia and has been placed at the 18th position by the Banker Magazine in 2005. (About Bank of China,. 2006). It also has a large overseas presence in 27 countries. The systems, processes and practices followed by the Bank of China would be a good indicator of the state of the Chinese banking industry in both its internal and external dimensions. HSBC is an epitome of a modern bank.Based in London, the Bank had its origins in provision of finance for trading with China in the 19th Century. After China adopted a nationalist communist economy and banking system, HSBC’s presence in the country was limited. However the bank has now retuned with a vigor and strives to make inroads in the highly competitive financial sector where banks with a state monopoly are said to enjoy unprecedented advantage. The Bank is also taking benefit of its old legacy and is already earning profits to the tune of $ 161 million for the first half of 2005.(Schuman, 2006). HSBC in some ways can be seen to be a competitor to the Bank of China, though its reach within China is limited to only 20 branches. (Schuman, 2006). The investments made by HSBC in Chinese financial sector are reported to be $ 4 billion and include almost one fifth stake in China’s fifth largest bank, Bank of Communications and its second largest insurance company, Ping An Insurance with which the Bank of China too has many contracts.A comparative analysis of BOC and HSBC would thus provide us an effective understanding of the state of the banking industry in China in all its operational facets. The dynamic nature of th e research will entail application of a deductive-inductive approach which in practice is adopted by a number of similar research projects keeping in view the importance of both qualitative and quantitative findings. Aim and Objectives. The aim of the research is to undertake an analysis of the Chinese banking industry systems, processes and products through a case study of Bank of China and HSBC, London.Objectives. The research objectives are as follows :- 1. Assess the overall state of the Chinese banking systems, processes and products. 2. Evaluate implementation of systems, practices and processes of the modern banking industry. 3. Evaluate areas for further growth and development by Chinese banks. Chapter 2 – Research Methodology This chapter aims to illustrate the methodology of the research. It describes; common research philosophies, research approaches and the research strategy.Veal (2000) has described research as â€Å"systematic and careful inquiry and search for the truth† or an investigation into a subject to discover facts. What is Research? Research is a well defined area of study of a particular problem or issue in its totality or in specific to a particular area of concern. (Veal, 2000). Research should entail the following characteristics, which will be kept in mind by the author while evaluating the subject (Morgan, 2000):- (a) Systematic collection of data.(b) Analytical interpretation of data. (c) Developing a theory and conclusion. The Research Philosophy Modern research has three models; these are positivism, realism and interpretivism. (Cantrell, D. C. (n. d. )). Positivism Positivism entails a scientific stance for research and interpretation of data. Thus only those phenomenon which are observable and measurable are regarded as knowledge. Positivists maintain an independent and objective stance. (Cantrell, D. C. (n. d. )). Phenomenology (Interpretivism)This is opposite of the positivistic approach and is known as interp retivism or phenomenology. (Cantrell, D. C. (n. d. )). Though positivistic and interpretivism paradigm are two extremes, most researchers use elements of both practices, which is implied in realism. This approach is considered the most appropriate for the project as the writer will be carrying out a comparative analysis of the Chinese and the British Banking system with a case study of the Bank of China vis a vis HSBC, London.Since banking systems are not just financial and economic systems but involve social issues in the context of a broader socio-political environment, a realistic approach to research is considered the most suitable. Research Approach There are two strands, which can be adopted, deductive and inductive. The deductive approach is used when a hypothesis is developed and the research design has to test that hypothesis. The deductive approach is amplified by means of a diagram at Figure 1 (Trochim, 2000). –

Monday, September 16, 2019

How is British Culture Represented within Little Britain? Essay

In this essay I will be exploring how British culture is represented in the series Little Britain. Little Britain is a well known sketch comedy that is comprised of mainly two characters; Matt Lucas and David Williams. The title is known to have been derived from a combination of ‘Little England’ and ‘Great Britain’. The first character that I chave chosen to analyse is Vicky Pollard. Obviously, alike with all of the characters that are featured in Little Britiain, this character is fictional, but one may say that this character is used to portray the ‘average chavvy teenager’. For example, she will (usually) always try to integrate her extremely well known phrases (â€Å"Don’t go giving me evils!†,†Yeah but no but yeah but no but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Shut up! I ain’t even dun nuffin’ or nuffin’!†, â€Å"Oh my god! I soooo can’t believe you just said that!†, and â€Å"What-eva!†), simultaneously incroporating tottally irrelevant ‘gossip’ which has absoutely nothing to do with the problem that she has found herself facing. Sterotypically, she appears to wear the same ‘Kappa’ outfit, more commonly known as a tracksuit. Vicks is always presented so do the wrong things, where I believe she is o nly doing it because she knows that it is the opposite of good. Common examples of this would be her abnoxious habbit for teenaged drinking, smoking and pregnancy. Vicky also seems to have the absurd perception of life, where if you ‘originate’ from a poor working class family, then you automatically have low expectations in the future. I believe her point of view to be invalid at this point, because she has (maybe unknownigly) sterotyped all though of whom fall into that catagory to have low expectations life, which, in fact, may only effect a small minorty; those who truely think this perception dictated by Vicky is correct. We can put this through to real life situations too; for example a survey was infact conducted that shows (in Britain), one person is the top 5 rich list, actually has a degree of some variance, which slightly backs up my point. For example, the infamous Richard Branson dropped out of school at 16 without any qualifications to his name, but that did not change his view of the world, and was just used as a sriving force to make sure that he got where he wanted to. Some may not agree that he came from a poor working class family, but leaving (and subsequently dropping) school without any qualification is what Vicky may expect from a poor working class student. The second character that I have chosen to analyse is Dafydd, who to me, bring himself access as a very confused character. His well known catchphrase, is â€Å"I’m the only gay in the village†, where in fact, if anything ‘gay’ really does happened, he is the first the feel intimidated and scared, which shows that he in fact may not be ‘gay’, but just can’t admit it. In excellent example of this would be when Myfanwy organised a â€Å"gay night† for Dafydd within the pub, and once the began to start arriving, Dafydd held a bar stool in his hands and cried out â€Å"get back you gay bastards†. Furthermore, this shows either two things, his original statement to be incorrect, and he only stated it for the attention he may though he’d receive, or two, he can’t â€Å"come out of the closet† about his true feelings to is using this type of violent notions to mask what’s really going on, in my opinon.He has other well known cathcprases including: â€Å"I’ll have another Bacardi and Coke please Myfanwy†, â€Å"Oh it’s so hard being the only gay in the village†, â€Å"Oh Myfanwy there just aren’t any other gays round here†. This all show that he is in denial about his true feeling, and thhey conflict what is actually going on. He is or has been biased in to beliving that just because he is gay, he will be restricting from getting on with his life, and doing the average day-to-day activity. For example he belives, specificially because he is gay, that he will be unable to get a job and therefore is currently une mployed.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

American Shaolin 1

In American Shaolin, Matt, the main character has a defining characteristic of being idealistic. To be idealistic one has to be merely honest. The concept of idealism is to act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form. This idealism is rapidly seen in first chapter of book one, Matt develops a list of things wrong with him, he annotates the following, â€Å"Things that are wrong with Matt: 1. Ignorant 2. Cowardly 3. Still a boy/not a man 4. Unattractive to the opposite sex 5. Spiritually confused (14). Matt wrote the list at age fifteen, which was back when he was a bully’s favorite target. Since the beginning of the book Matt seemed to point out that he was â€Å"weak. † It was mentioned a numerous amount of times that throughout his school years Matt was a ninety-eight pound boy, which one knows is not heavy at all, so it’s very easy for bullies to pick on him if they wanted to. Referring back to the list Matt wanted to change himself, he wanted to o ne day become a tough fighter that would be able to protect himself in similar situations to those the same he had faced from his past. In doing so he took action and decided to take a year off college, Princeton, and use that same college money to travel to China. Matt was on a mission to find the Shaolin Temple. He had figured out that in order to break out of the shell of being bullied he wanted to study the martial arts of kungfu. â€Å"[He] had been taking kungfu classes since freshman year, because when [he] was nine years old [he] had seen a rerun of David Carradine’s Kung Fu and was never the same again (15). He didn’t figure this out alone, with the help of Professor Gu, he made his decision. Are you afraid of chi ku? † Professor Gu asked â€Å"Eat bitter? †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"No,† I lied†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Then you must go to the Shaolin Temple (16). † Although Matt did not have the support he wanted, his idealistic mind did not stop him. He was going to do what he set his mind on. In taking money from his college fund he was really taking action for what he wanted to do. Not onl y was it something his parents did not agree it, but it was something he had to go through alone, which one can say depicts the â€Å"cowardly† part off the list. Although he claims to have been a coward since grade school, if Matt was truly a coward he would have not taken that big step in life all on his own. But since this was something he did want, he did the actions to make his dream possible. Not only does he manage to get to China alone, but he has to find his way alone. All he can do is ask directions it doesn’t take a coward to confront random people, whom don’t speak English, and ask them for help in a different continent in which one is new to. Although he claims to not be so good at his Chinese, Matt seems to get plenty of compliments of how well he does speak the language. â€Å"Aiya, you speak Chinese! † she cried clapping her hands to her mouth â€Å"Just a little. † â€Å"Your Chinese is so good! (16)† Since the beginning Matt seemed to cross off â€Å"ignorant† from his list all on his own. Since his junior year of high school Matt decided to take steps forward and become a very successful person. He felt that although he was only at his junior year of college, he was done with college. As I finished, I leaned my head back in my chair with pride, and the list flashed in my head. I was suffused with a sweet glow of success (14). † After having the feeling of relief Matt soon started to feel like he needed to work on eliminating more of the factors wrong with him from the list. That is when Matt’s idealistic mind take role and speaks for itself. His steps to going to China were g etting closer, [his] obsession with kungfu had led to an interest in Chinese culture†¦ [He] was all flight ad no fight (15). As much as Matt was learning about the Chinese culture to link with â€Å"unattractive to the opposite sex he learns that â€Å"because the Chinese tend to hit puberty later (at fourteen to sixteen) and because it is a sexually conservative country, especially in rural regions, the Chinese don’t usually start dating before they are eighteen†¦It was common for Wushu Center monks who had reached the peak of their power to find a special female friend to focus the extra energy they no longer needed to improve their kungfu skills (116). Matt has an open mind and is learning much from his time in China. One can say that if things go well for Matt, maybe after he’s completed his kungfu training he might just find that one girl who will make him cross off his factor from the list. Towards the middle of the book Matt sets an example of how he was a coward, when one day he had a conversation with Coach Cheng and he was asked if he was afraid of being hit, Matt replies, â€Å"The pain. † He looked at [him] for a long time. When you were little, did they beat you? His question caught [him] off guard. [His] eyes got hot. â€Å"Classmates? † [He] nodded (161). † Matt shows that he is being idealistic because he really wants to change the way things have been from his childhood, he doesn’t seem to give up. His actions speak louder than the words he himself speaks. With his mind set in moving forward, he is acknowledging more wisdom as every day goes by. To be idealistic is take action as to for one wants to accomplish in their lives. Matt has shown that he is very idealistic by going to China to study kungfu. Generally, Matt's idealism is negotiated throughout his character, affecting his decisions to change the way he is and the way he will be for the rest of his life. If it wasn’t for his idealism, Matt would not be where he has gotten so far, he would have been back at home lacking the experience he went through still depicting about how he lived a bullied childhood. Matt's idealism developed from the moment he was back at home to now when he lives in China.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Expression versus expectations in Chekhov’s The lady with the pet dog

In The lady with the pet dog, Chekhov’s notion of romantic love coincides with his idea of the duplicitous self and society. Central to Chekhov’s discussion of romantic love is the individual and the institutions that define him (in particular, marital and domestic ones) which Chekhov sees as anything but intact. What whole is perceived on the surface is in reality a fragmented clumsily held together by bogus and empty morality tantamount to hypocrisy. In this case, the romantic impulse comes as a liberating and redeeming sensibility. However, Chekhov asserts, the survival, let alone existence of the romantic love is possible only in the dark—in the small, private (and forbidden) enclave away from the persecuting and prying eyes of the collective. Chekhov (2007) writes of Gurov, â€Å"†¦everything that in which he was sincere and did not deceive himself, everything that made the kernel of his life, was hidden from other people; and all that was false in him†¦all that was open† (chap. IV). Indeed what stands out in Chekhov’s work is the clash between individual sentiments and social expectations; defiance versus the norm, liberating passion as opposed to the stifling demands of pseudo-propriety. Such contestation of values is played out in the characters of Anna Sergeyevna and Dmitri Gurov. Both are trapped and paralyzed by their family and marriages, relationships which are more nominal than actual. Both suffer from a breakdown of communication with their partners and more importantly, their selves. Hence, the disruption of self-expression. Their efforts toward self-definition and determination are brutally countered by the conventions of their sexuality and status. As a result, what occurs is an extinction of their personality and consequently, the imperilment of their love. In this climate, masks are the only means of self-preservation. Gurov, for one, is a man of several faces. His faà §ade appears to be in strict compliance with the behavioral codes attendant of his class and gender. His misogynistic gestures belie his genuine nature. He â€Å"always spoke ill of women, and when they are talked about in his presence, used to call them the lower race†¦. yet he could not get on for two days together without the ‘lower race’† (I). Convention, together with his pretensions, reduces Gurov to a flat and passive character. So flat, in fact, that his entire life and personality can be summed up by the following words: â€Å"He was under forty, but he had a daughter already twelve years old, and two sons at school† (I). In this respect, Gurov is a typical family man. He is head (or better yet, cog) of a family the stability and comfortability of which is owed more to economic and social factors than human warmth and understanding. The family stands for the simple reason that Gurov and his wife, no matter how superficially are playing their parts well. Paradoxically and yet, understandably, Gurov’s extra-marital affairs offer no significant threat to the solidity of his domestic sphere. His women are but fleeting muses, objects of a passion that fades just as quickly as it ignites. Such transient and cold encounters inevitably deteriorate: â€Å"†¦every intimacy which at first so agreeably diversifies life and appears a light and charming adventure, inevitably grows into a regular problem of extreme intricacy, and in the long run the situation becomes unbearable† (I). In a sense, Gurov’s relationships with other women are simply extensions of his mechanical family life. Gurov is deader than alive; older than his years. Despite his numerous preoccupations— â€Å"He already felt a longing to go to restaurants, clubs, dinner parties, anniversary celebrations†¦ entertaining distinguished lawyers and artists† (III)—his hunger for life and love remains unsatisfied. His romantic sensibility continues to stagnate. Gurov’s fate is a microscopic version of the spiritual inertia plaguing larger society. As Gurov laments, â€Å"What senseless nights, what uninteresting, uneventful days! The rage for card playing, the gluttony, the drunkenness, the continual talk always about the same thing† (III). Apparently the preoccupied life of the materially comfortable fail to fill the gaping hole within the individual, in this case, a premature organism at most. What intactness is gained through the observance of superficial social rituals is nothing but conformity and monotony. Gurov’s premature self translates to the frustration of his artistic sensibility. Gurov â€Å"had taken a degree in arts, but had a post in the bank; that he had trained as an opera singer, but ad given it up†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (I). Again, passion has given way to practicality and material considerations. Though practically nameless (indeed, one can only name her through Gurov, and partially at that), Gurov’s wife is far from being a peripheral and passive figure. She enters the story (one can even say, intrude) almost simultaneously as Gurov does. The first glimpse of Gurov is intertwined with that of her that one appears to be the foil of another. Chekhov’s description of her evokes strength (and to a degree, death and deadliness) uncommon of her sex: â€Å"†¦his wife seemed half as old again as he†¦. as she said of herself, intellectual. She read a great deal†¦he secretly considered her unintelligent, narrow inelegant, was afraid of her, and did not like to be at home† (I). His wife’s sense of individuality proves corrosive to their relationship. Not that Chekhov despises individuality in women, Anna’s struggle toward self-definition show otherwise. What makes Gurov’s wife’s fatal is that it consumes, by emasculating, Gurov. An individuality such as her hampers union and unity, disadvantageous to love. The juxtaposition of Gurov and his wife’s sensibility lays bare a glaring incongruity, symptomatic of the failure of their marital communication. The marital environment isolates them both. For Gurov â€Å"in his home it was impossible to talk of his love, and he had no one outside†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (III). And when his wife catches on and reacts to   his hints on love: â€Å"†¦no one guessed what it meant; only his wife twitched her black eyebrows, and said: ‘The part of a lady-killer does not suit you at all, Dimitri’† (III). Their marital union is grounded on repulsion and revulsion. In stark contrast to his wife is the character of Anna Sergeyevna, whose individuality, at least in the beginning, is yet to be defined. Which is not to say that she is empty, for like Gurov, Anna is in search of a life above the mundane: â€Å"To live, to live!†¦ I was fired by curiosity†¦I could not control myself; something happened to me, I could not be restrained† (I). The amorphousness of Anna and Gurov serves as a point of connection, a common ground for them. Anna’s gradual progression from anonymity to indiviulaity is paradoxically combined in her identity as â€Å"the lady with the pet dog†. When Gurov’s â€Å"romance with an unknown woman† (I) unexpectedly escalates to full-blown romance – â€Å"that sweet delirium, that madness† (II) — Anna’s personality becomes indelible: â€Å"Anna did not visit him in dreams, but followed him about everywhere and haunted him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (II). Indeed, what marks Gurov’s love for Anna is its sense of permanence and identity. Anna’s face is not gobbled up by oblivion, nor does it fade in the crowd. To Gurov, she is the only â€Å"lady with the pet dog†. This sense of eternity is not bound to be challenged though. Society looms as a more powerful and sinister force in the lovers’ lives. Their love is taboo, a truth which they can only postpone but never defeat: â€Å"†¦it seemed to them that fate itself had meant them for one another, and they could not understand why he had a wife and she had a husband†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (IV). Chekhov does not negate the potency, even necessity of genuine romantic love. He does not offer false hopes about it either. Gurov and Anna can only dwell in the present; what the future has to offer is far from hopeful: â€Å"†¦and it was clear to both that they still had a long road before them, and that the most complicated and difficult part is only just beginning† (IV). References Chekhov, A. (2007). The lady with the pet dog. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from

Friday, September 13, 2019

Countering Suicide Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Countering Suicide Terrorism - Essay Example Force by itself is never going to be a solution for terrorism. Terrorism springs from the bosom of people or culture that feels marginalized. This feeling of being of no consequence in an ever developing world has been and remains the breeding ground for terrorism. Given the fact that terrorism is on the rise all around the world, posing a threat to the entire civilized world, it is but natural that solutions are sought to contain this menace. It is only a systematic analysis of terrorism and its growing face of suicide terrorism that will provide solutions for removing this hovering destructive menace of the twenty-first century. There are several definitions to this complex issue of Terrorism. Some of the more meaningful definitions start with the simple definition coined in 1979, when the terrorism started making itself be felt around the world. This definition reads as â€Å"terrorism is the deliberate and systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends† (Harmon, 2000). Reid 2002, expands this definition to differentiate terrorism from acts of violence that occur during war, through calling terrorism as the practice of â€Å"a pattern of sudden violent or fear-inducing action against civilians, not part of a military action in declared war between nations†. However the more comprehensive and most often cited definition is the one used by the U.S. State Department, Department of Defense, and the Central Intelligence Agency, which is as follows, â€Å"the term ‘terrorism’ means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant target by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience†. A terrorist group is any group or has a sub-group that indulges in terrorism. International terrorism occurs when terrorism involves more than one nation. (Stevens, 2002). Terrorism is not an invention of the modern era. It

Thursday, September 12, 2019

HIroshima Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HIroshima Discussion - Essay Example This paper will review some of the characteristics of the bomb survivors, the miraculous incidents in the bombing and Truman’s press release after the bombing. In relation to miraculous occurrences, there are individuals that thought that their chances for survival were pretty limited or close to non-existent. They include Mrs. Nakamura, Mrs. Sasaki and Father Kleinsorge. Mrs. Nakamura who suffered from radiation poisoning fought furiously and regained her health. This was despite the fact that the radiation illness had affected her health in levels that doctors had concluded would never be reversed. Father Kleinsorge was affected by the bomb and its effects. He was seriously wounded, and despite all this, he tried to rescue people even though he thought he was to die from the effects of the bomb that made him loose blood from his wounds that kept reopening (Hersey, p 34-41). Mrs. Sasaki also recovers unexpectedly after the effects of radiation and the injuries she sustained from the collapsing of her house. This can be seen as both scientific and religious recoveries since science and medicine played a role in their wellness while they ha d hope and faith to get well. Science provided the much needed medicine and scientific support that was needed by the survivors of the blast. Their spiritual mindsets also contributed in ensuring that they believed that they would overcome what they were experiencing (Hersey, p 47). Truman describes the atomic bomb as the most potent explosive device whose output is exclusively from fission reactions. This device is a marvelous new power that can be used to overpower enemies. The book is an official non-fiction piece of work that explains an account of the bombing attack from the victims and their families view points. The book is just as monumental as the bombing incident

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The exact meaning of Europe is ambiguous and it is not possible to Essay

The exact meaning of Europe is ambiguous and it is not possible to accurately define it. Do you agree - Essay Example In Chinese, Europe is referred to as Ouzhu- which is a derivative of the word Europa. Furthermore, the continent has also been referred to as Frengistan (land of the Franks) by the Turkish civilization. Many other languages have referred to the region in similar context, but there has not been any single undisputed explanation of the meaning of the term Europe that is used for the continent (Malmborg, 2002). Studies related to history and politics have been the source of many co mbnnclusive reforms and facts for the development of thought and academia. However, in the discussions and origins of political terms and slogans, there have been many inconclusive debates due to an absence of a factual historical dictionary. Since there has been an absence of this etymological record in the form of a dictionary, any factual brief on many political terms and slogans has been hard to find. Moreover, any research that may be taken up would in turn be significantly time consuming and may never have a conclusive statement of their backgrounds (Boer, 1995). The lack in the research material and weak records of terms and their origins, has made the structured method of investigation in political expressions and education and development of ideas weak and the theories challengeable. Many revered literary works in the field relating to philological dictionaries, especially referred for the European languages, have not been of much help either in any conclusive remarks on these political terms and semantics (Boer, 1995). The main reason for this to happen is that most of the literary research ahs been the work of the esteemed scholars and critics has been entirely focused and centred on philology and literature. Hence, there has not been much concentration and attention on works related on political semantics and historical slogans. Furthermore, the links in these works present and developed internationally along with the different views

Managing the supply chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing the supply chain - Essay Example The theoretical opposite of this is the Material Requirements Production (MRP) system, which operates using more of a ‘push’ approach. It gives more importance to predicting the raw material that will be required for production, through a budget costing approach. This means the goods are produced in advance and stored until they are demanded and consequently sold. These two methods teach very different styles of supply chain management, and yet neither of them has lost their value in the field of supply chain management due to their unique advantages for different types of goods. Furthermore, there are even some products, the production of which may benefit from the employment of a hybrid of these two methods instead of just one strict methodology. Each of these two systems is still in existence because they are very useful for products of different nature. JIT is system which is more useful goods which are of a perishable nature, or are in danger of not being demanded l ater on. For example, considering a factory which produces food products which are not made with preservatives will employ the system of JIT in its supply chain. This is because JIT ensures minimum wastage of goods produced (Hirano, 2009). The protocol it follows for production is that the production chain waits to receive an order from the customer, and only then starts the process of production. If, for example, a firm that implements JIT receives the order for a thousand units of the product, they will not already have the product in stock. Instead, they will begin their manufacturing after the order is received and confirmed, which means that these thousand units will be produced only after the order. This reduces the chance that there will be some units, which will lie in stock after production because they are not in demand. Such a situation would lead to the good either spoiling, due to its perishable nature, or becoming obsolete in sometime. The perishable goods refer mostly to food products or other goods which use perishable materials in their production, thus rendering the nature of the good prone to expiry. This is relevant to consumer goods other than food also, such as beauty products or lotions, all of which have set expiry dates. JIT is useful for such products, because otherwise if the goods are left in stock for too long, they expire and cause losses to the manufacturer. This is also relevant to durable goods, which run the risk of becoming obsolete due the continuous technological advancement that is taking place, such as computers. Thus, such goods also need to be produced in a supply chain implementing JIT, since if the goods stored in stock become obsolete, they will become useless and cause loss to the manufacturer. Another advantage of the JIT system is that it minimizes the need for storage space for the company. A disadvantage, however is that the company is forced to streamline their production method in order meet each demand in an efficient and timely manner, so that the customer does not have to wait for unreasonable amounts of time. In contrast, the MRP system ensures that the customer receives an immediate response to their demand (Hall, 2008). This system implements budgeted production, which forecasts the demand for goods it will have to meet in the near future, and then produces accordingly. The advantage of this system is it saves time and provides a

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Liabilities and Remedies of Parties in a Contract Essay

Liabilities and Remedies of Parties in a Contract - Essay Example As the paper discusses  there are two contracts existing between the parties. The first contract is between Military Supply Ltd and the British Ministry of Defense while the second contract is between the Military Supply Ltd and Motor Parts plc. The contract between Military Supply Ltd and the British Ministry of Defense is for the purchase and delivery of 500 vehicles which will be used by the Ministry of Defense in its field operations. The second contract on the other hand is a contract of service between Military Supply Ltd and Motor Parts Ltd where the former hire the services of the latter to manufacture the 500 vehicles for the client of Military Supply Ltd which is the British Ministry of Defense. The relationships of the parties are defined and limited by the contracts that they entered into.From the report it is clear that the obligations of the parties in this case vary according to their participation in the transaction. In the case of British Ministry of Defense, its o bligation is towards Military Supply ltd. As buyer of the vehicles, the Ministry of Defense is obliged to deliver payments when the provisions and the objects specified under the contract are satisfied. On the part of Military Supply Ltd, its obligations are towards the Ministry of Defense as well as to Motor Parts. In the case of the Ministry, Military Supply Ltd is bound to deliver the 500 vehicles as per the specifications of the ministry in a timely manner.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Sports Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sports Nutrition - Essay Example The sports enhancing drugs helps the athletes to enhance physically, increase their body mass, improve strength, aggressiveness, and endurance. These improve performance and helps athletes to recover quickly from injuries. These sports enhancing drugs lead to negative physical side effects, which cause serious medical issues. They may result in men losing their hair, acne, reduced sex drive, sterility, heart diseases and cancer while in ladies growth of facial hair and deepening of the voice experienced. Therefore, in as much as they lead to gaining of the edge in competitiveness, they may affect the athlete’s overall health and other long-term effects including addictiveness (Shore, 2008). As a result of the above, I can never recommend such supplements to an athlete. Anabolic steroids have synthetic molecules; its source is the natural hormone testosterone. Testosterone influences the building effects on the human body including muscle mass and strength, growing of facial hair and deepening of the voice. These drugs have been banned, but athletes still use them secretly, and this is why an anti doping test was introduced to discover those who have used them. Performance enhancing drugs may lead to off-field trouble and injury including unusual anger, which could lead to suspension (Shore, 2008). Androstenedione is a steroid hormone that increases production of testosterone and estradiol in both men and women, and adrenal glands, ovaries and testes produce it. It allows athletes to train harder, increase energy, keep the red blood cells and enhances recovery, but its use as a performance-enhancing drug is illegal because it is among the controlled substances and a banned substance by the National Collegiate Athletic association. A scientific research shows that they are converted to estrogen they do not increase testosterone, and it does not strengthen the user’s muscles. In men, it causes acne, reduced sperm production, shrinking of the testicles and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Criminal Law (Damage to Property) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminal Law (Damage to Property) - Essay Example The Criminal Damage Act 1971 has three different types of criminal damage offences: simple criminal damage which is covered under section 1(1), aggravated criminal damage under section 1(2) and Criminal damage by arson under section 1(3) (Crown Prosecution Services, 2011). This Act does not define what damage is or what may be assumed to be damage under certain circumstances, which has led to courts construing the term freely. The Act also does not limit damage to large scale life threatening destruction of property, small acts like smearing mud in a police cell’s walls is also considered a criminal offence under this law. The maximum punishment for an aggravated and arson criminal damage is life imprisonment. All other offences covered under this act attract a maximum penalty of ten years. Horace’s Liability In the first case scenario, Horace knowingly tinkers with the shop’s lock so that it may temporarily refuse to open. He causes this damage with the intent of making it possible for his boss to attend the Tennis Finals at Wimbledon. However, Horace’s well intentioned act is not appreciated by his boss who would rather open his shop than attend the match. He (the owner) is forced to close shop the whole day since he cannot secure a new part for the lock. According to the law, what Horace has committed is a simple criminal damage.... He causes this damage with the intent of making it possible for his boss to attend the Tennis Finals at Wimbledon. However, Horace’s well intentioned act is not appreciated by his boss who would rather open his shop than attend the match. He (the owner) is forced to close shop the whole day since he cannot secure a new part for the lock. According to the law, what Horace has committed is a simple criminal damage. S.1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 states that an individual is guilty of a criminal damage offence if he or she recklessly or intentionally destroys or damages property that belongs to another without any lawful excuse. Horace causes temporary damage to the shop’s lock so that it can stay closed on the day of the tennis finals at Wimbledon. He has committed an offence by knowingly damaging property that dos not belong to him (Ashworth, 1991). However, Horace did believe that he was doing his boss a favour by tinkering with the padlock. His action may have a lawful excuse since he believed that his boss’s attending to the shop was just as important as attending the tennis finals at Wimbledon. Under section 5 part 1 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971, a lawful excuse may exist if at the time of the damaging act the person accused of the offence â€Å"believed that the person or persons whom he believed to be entitled to consent to the destruction of or damage to the property in question had so consented, or would have so consented to it if he or they had known of the destruction or damage and its circumstances† (Crown Prosecution Services, 2011). Part b of the same subsection allows for lawful excuse if the accused party caused damage or destruction to property so as to protect